Many words and terms that you will hear on a construction site are explained in the main part of this course. The list below includes some more terms that you might come across.
ACoP : Approved Code of Practice
Acute : An immediate health effect. For example, burns to the skin from acids or chemicals. Adhesive. A substance used for sticking things together.
Abrasive wheel machine : A machine, such as a bench-mounted grinder or a disc-cutter, which is used for cutting or grinding materials.
Allergy : A damaging reaction of the body caused by contact with a particular substance.
Asbestos : A naturally occurring, heat-resistant substance that was once used extensively in construction work. Breathing in asbestos fibres is harmful to the lungs.
Asthma : An illness that causes difficulty in breathing.
Bacteria : Germs that can cause some illnesses.
Barrier cream : A protective cream applied to your hands before starting work.
Bracing : Scaffold poles that make a scaffold rigid.
Brick-guard : A metal mesh fitted to a scaffold to prevent anything from falling through the gaps between the guard-rails and toe-board.
BS : British Standards.
BSI : British Standards Institution.
Cable ramp : A temporary cover laid over a trailing cable to protect it from damage by people or traffic passing over it.
Carcinogen : Substances that can lead to cancer (cancer-causing agents). For example, asbestos and diesel exhaust fumes.
CCTV : Closed circuit television.
CDM : Construction (Design and Management) Regulations.
Cherry picker : A type of mobile elevating work platform (MEWP) on which a passenger carrying basket is located on the end of an articulating or extending arm.
Chronic : Long-term effects on health. For example, developing asthma from wood dust, or cancer from asbestos exposure
Consultation : The action or process of formally consulting or discussing (for example, a manager asking you for your input whilst carrying out a risk assessment).
Control measure : Putting measures in place to reduce the risk to an acceptable level (for example, guarding on a machine).
COSHH : Control of substances hazardous to health.
CPCS : Construction Plant Competence Scheme.
Crush injuries : Injuries caused by something crushing a part of the body.
CSCS : Construction Skills Certification Scheme.
Distribution system (electrical) : The method that is used to get electrical supplies to where they are needed on site.
Double-handling : Having to move something twice.
EA : Environment Agency.
Edge protection : A framework of scaffold poles or other suitable barrier erected around an open edge to stop anything from falling over the edge.
EMAS : Employment Medical Advisory Service.
Employee : Someone who works for someone else.
Employer : Someone who has people working for him or her.
FRS : Fire and Rescue Service.
HAVS : Hand-arm vibration syndrome.
Hazard : Anything that has the potential to cause harm (ill health, injury or damage).
Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HSWA) : Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HSWA).
HFL : Health and Safety Executive.
HSE : Health and Safety Executive.
HSE inspector : An official who can inspect the site and take action if work is not being carried out safely.
Lanyard : A length of fabric that connects a safety harness with a fixed strong-point.
Ligament : A band of tough body tissue that connects bones or cartilage.
LOLER : Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations.
LPG : Liquefied petroleum gas.
Method statement : A step by step description of how to carry out a job safely.
MEWP : Mobile elevating work platform.
NVQ : National Vocational Qualification.
PAT : Portable appliance testing.
Permit to work : A system used for controlling high-risk activities (such as working on live electrical cables) or where activities need extra controls (such as hot works, confined space entry and breaking ground (permits to dig)).
PPE : Personal protective equipment.
PUWER : Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations.
RCD : Residual current device.
RIDDOR : Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations.
Risk : The likelihood of an event occurring from a hazard.
Risk assessment : A document identifying the hazards, risks and control measures for a particular activity.
RPE : Respiratory protective equipment.
Scissor lift. : A type of MEWP with a platform that rises vertically.
Slewing : Part of an item of plant (such as the jib and counter-weight of a crane), rotating about a vertical axis.
Solvent : Chemical used to dissolve or dilute other substances.
Tripping hazard : Items lying around that you might trip over.
Ventilated : Supplied with fresh air.
WBV : Whole-body vibration.
WEL : Workplace exposure limit.
WWT : Working Well Together.